Sunday, October 31, 2010

Twas a good party!

Last night, we had our party at the Canadian Club. Twas fun! We each had to bring something that you can drink out of but it has to be something that is not used normally to drink out of. I brought part of my coffee machine (the cone-shaped part where you put the filter), but I had a little problem with the valve that sits on the bottom, so I had to tape it to the bottom of a 1 litre water battle. It worked!

At the party, we had to draw a card and then we would find out (whomever had the matching card) what contraption you would be drinking out of for the rest of the evening. Well, I drew an 8 of hearts and that got me André-the-giant's shooter glass! Well, that's what it looked like anyway. I spent the evening drinking from a vase that looked like an immense shooter glass! Mike ended up with my coffee-machine contraption. Ha! ;-)

Got to play several games of pool (and won my fair share). Didn't take a dip in the pool, but lots of people did. Twas a fun evening!

Tonight, we have dinner at Dominic's house. If we can costume ourselves, we can. I think I have an idea and I'll share how that goes tomorrow.

'Till then!

;-) LIL

Saturday, October 30, 2010

They're fixing the road!!!

Salut tout le monde!

Well, coming back to the apartment this afternoon was a bit of a challenge. You see, there is one part of the road to get to where I'm staying that is really bad. I mean, REALLY bad! Luc, you know which part of the road I'm talking about.

Well, when I returned to Haiti, I was not surprised to find out that this part of the road was actually now worse than before. We could actually see a portion of pipe that was exposed from under the road. Then, last week, they made it smoother. It was still very hectic driving over that portion of the road, but it was the most manageable that I had ever saw it.

Then, today, there was a HUGE traffic jam on the way back to Batiment Bleu. Turns out they are re-paving it! Can't wait to see what it looks like when we drive back to the embassy this evening. Luc, I've taken some pictures and will take more to show you.

Okay, got to go. Ta-ta for now people!

;-) LIL

My last weekend in Haiti

Salut tout le monde!

Well, this is it! My last weekend in Haiti (again). ;-) In just a couple of days, me will be home. Woohoo! So, what do we have planned for this weekend? Well, yesterday, me and Mike went back to the "Quartier Latin" restaurant. This time around, I had a brochette-de-boeuf as my main course. Mmmm-mmmm-mmmmm!  Twas excellent!

After that, we proceeded to the embassy. I called Stéphanie and then played a couple of games of pool at the Canadian Club. Me did not too badly. ;-) Éric invited us for a beer so we left the embassy and came back to Batiment Bleu.

Today, the plan is for us to go driving around (while staying in the green zones, of course). Then later, we have a party planned at the Canadian Club. The theme is: There is no success like excess! Hmmm, at least that's what I think the theme is, I might have messed it up. Ah well. Should be fun, I'll post about that tomorrow.

Ciao for now!

;-) LIL

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Went to Furcy

Salut tout le monde!

Sorry if I haven't posted anything in the past couple of days, I was a little bit sick. But, I'm taking my Cipro now and rehydration salts, so I'm good (knock on wood). And no, its not cholera. ;-)

So, over the weekend, we went to Furcy. There is a lodge in the mountains over there and it was very nice! Just the change of the weather (temperature-wise) was refreshing. When we left, it was an easy 37 Celcius in Port-au-Prince. Up in the mountains, it was at least 10 degrees cooler, maybe even more. It was comparable to a nice late september day... not cold, but just nice. Me liked it alot! I ate the best ribs ever! The stack of ribs was so big, it overflowed the plate on both sides! I couldn't even finish it (I should not have taken an entree!). Man, it was good!

Sunday is when I hit the wall (not literally). I was hoping to get to do a bit of work at the embassy but I started getting weak and just dragging my feet and just not feeling good. I ended up laying down for a few hours and then coming back home later. Rehydration salts and Cipro did the trick (at least, I'm hoping they're doing the trick). Anyways, I'm feeling better than I was, so that's good, right? ;-)

In one week's time I'll be home! God, I can't wait! to go. Ta-ta for now folks!

;-) LIL

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Le Quartier Latin

Salut tout le monde!

Yesterday, we went to a restaurant called "Le Quartier Latin" for supper. Man, it was good! I had a "Saté au boeuf avec sauce à l'arachide" for an entrée and a "Steak au poivre vert" for the main dish with a glass of red wine. And yes, Sylvia, they did have sauce! ;-)

It was one of my colleague's birthday and we were 8 of us. I took lots of pictures and I'll see about posting some online this evening.

Today, we are going to Furcy (I think that it is how its spelled). Its a cabin up in the mountains about an hour from here. That will be neat! Mike says the ribs over there are excellent. Me think me will try them out!

Okay, that's it for now. Ciao people!

;-) LIL

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Canadian Club

Salut tout le monde!

Tonight, we had a little 5 à 7 at the Canadian Club on the embassy grounds. That was fun! We ordered some pizza (Dominos) and it was pretty descent! Man, there was a moment, when they opened the fridge and there were some cold Coronas in there, there was that little moment when you go "Oh yeah, they do have that here!". I drank a few Coronas, even though they didn't have little pieces of lime. It was fun to drink something different than Prestige. ;-)

This weekend, we're going to Furcy (hmmm, dunno if I spelled this right). Its a cabin up in the mountain. A colleague of mine who's been here before had shown me some pictures. Looked nice!

I connected a few phones today in the MHUs. Made some people happy. That was nice. Oh, and the best part of the evening, the HOM was there and he remembered me from when I used to work at CIDA! That was awesome! It was a really fun evening!

;-) LIL

That was 2 hours of my life I'll never get back!

Salut tout le monde!

Ah, hindsight is always 20-20 they say. Guess that means I have to work on my foresight. ;-) After work, I went with a colleague of mine to Pacos to pick up some gifts to bring back home. We left straight from the embassy at 16h30. It was a traffic jam almost all of the way there! On the way, my colleague says: "Oh, I hope they are still open." That's when the realization hit me. Doh! Of course they won't be open, not after THIS traffic jam. Ah well.... Sure enough, we get there and the store is closed. It took us over an hour to get back to the apartment. Live and learn they say. Well, I think I did enough learning for that day!

Anyways, today is a new day, so out with the old, in with the new. Oh, there goes the bread lady selling her bread again.... ah well....

Have a new day people!

;-) LIL

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Checked and double-checked

Salut tout le monde!

Man, has it ever happened to you when you are trying to put something together and that there is a problem that you think: I think I did something wrong? I wired up my first telephone set, all proud of myself for doing so and already thinking of the blog post I'll titled "Take THAT, you non-descript, anonymous-looking Bell technician!". I checked and double-checked the wiring and the programming. Everything checks out. Yet, the set remains out of service. I asked a colleague in HQ to double-check my programming, everything is good. I try a different port, same issue. GRRRRR! I finally located the fault inside the patch connector on the wall at the other end of the cable. It was not wired correctly. Ah well. Live and learn. All that time I thought it was something I did, but nope. At least locating the fault felt great! That and knowing it was not something I did).

;-) LIL

Monday, October 18, 2010

Its a different country

Salut tout le monde!

This morning, as we were pulling in to the parking lot at work, we heard on the radio that 10 people died this weekend. We sometime hear news like this back home on the radio too. What is different is that it wasn't car crashes that claimed their lives, but it was the intense rain that we had this weekend (torrential rain)!

That sobers you up. You think sometimes of traffic accidents, that they do happen, that they do claim lives, but its very seldom that you hear that people died due to a torrential rain. We do hear about floods and such, but this was different.

As for things I have seen today, I saw walking pharmacies! I'll try to snap a picture if I can. Basically, you have a guy walking around with what looks like and upside down cone on his head. The cone is composed of pills in their wrappers (but not boxes). These guys walk around until someone flags them down to buy such and such drugs. Hmmmm. Sounds a bit fishy to me, but hey, this is Haiti (or I should write Ayiti as it is written in Créole).

My stomach is still feeling a bit queasy, but I think I'm feeling better, so that's good (knock on wood).

Catch ya later!

;-) LIL in Haiti

First weekend

Salut tout le monde!

I tried to post this yesterday morning, but it did not work. ;-( I had a good weekend, even though I am a little bit sick, but its manageable. Had supper at the embassy friday with the people living in the MHUs (Mobile Housing Units). It was fun, but I was sooooo tired. Ah well.

Saturday was a quiet day, until supper that is! Again, it was supper at the Canadian Club at the embassy and we were about 15, maybe a bit more. We had a blast! The food was great and it was a party!

Sunday, we went to "Artisanat en fête". I managed to pick up a few items to bring back home (and one of them is something created by Albert Einstein...that is the artists name). ;-) After that, we went to Dominique and Claire's for supper (BBQ). That was great! I just wished I could have eaten more (with my stomach being queasy, I didn't want to chance it). And voila! A first weekend in Haiti done!

;-) LIL

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Salut tout le monde (encore)!

I have to make an addendum to my very first post published in Haiti my last time around. Re-reading the post, I saw that I had mis-named my friend who had offered me a cold Heineken my first night in Port-au-Prince. In the post, I mentioned that Luc offered me a welcomed cold Heineken, but in fact it was Éric that had done so. My bad. Just thought I'd mention it.

;-) LIL in Haiti

A good 2nd day

Salut tout le monde!

Well, today was a good second day in Haiti (2nd workday that is). ;-) Man, I was so busy, it seemed like there were not enough hours in the day! Same for tomorrow, even though its a half-day (we finish at 12h30 on fridays), I might have to stay longer to finish things up! Hopefully not, cuz, I'd like to get my half-day off (and, did I mention that its half-days off on FRIDAYS!?!). ;-)

All kidding aside, the day was really interesting! And for the evening, I just came back from a good supper with great people (again). This time around, we had marinated steaks and beer chicken. Mi-uuuummmm!

Hmmm, I am sort of out of inspiration for the night, so I might as well end it there. A big hello to everyone! Mom, I saw that I missed your call on Skype, so we'll chat soon, I'm sure. Dan, I added you to my buddy list, so we'll chat soon too.

;-) LIL in Haiti

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Can  you guess what we ate for supper? (that's dinner for you english folks). I'll give you one guess... Yep! Tacos! My compliments again to the chefs, job well done! Supper was great and so was the company! Man, did it ever rain!!! Holey moley! But, its done now. ;-)

Things I have learned today: Be doubtful of a bottle of Port that has no year written on it! ;-) Item number two of things I have learned today, the person you think you know might be a comedian! Just found out tonight that my buddy Éric was a stand-up comedian during his university years. I had to come back to Haiti to find this out! He had me almost splitting my ribs I was laughing so hard!

After supper was done, I went to raid my colleague's Kevin apartment. He left last saturday. He was in apartment #2 (where I stayed last time). He left a whole bunch of food (and also beer) for moi! Woohoo! Me got about 30$ of food! Thanx Kevin!

Got back to my apartment to see that my cousin Gilles had tried to reach me through Skype. Hi Gilles!! A big hello to you, Shelina, Cédrik and Gabrielle!

I'm chatting with Stéphanie and the girls now, so will leave it at that.

Ciao people!

;-) LIL in Haiti.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My contact info

Hey all!

I just wanted to list my contact info while I'm over here.

If you want to send me an e-mail:

If you want to call me using Skype: louisgaulin

Also, you can follow this blog and thus leave non-anonymous comments. All you need is a google/blogger account to do so. I know there are some people that are reading this blog on a regular basis. If you are one of these, go ahead and sign up for a google/blogger account. It will make my ego feel better. ;-) Okay, I have to admit, that was a shameless plug for you to follow this blog if you are not already, but ah well...

AND, last but not least, for you Mac People (yeah, you know who you are), you can always iChat with me at the following address: (I have to admit, the address is inspired by one of my friend's blog: Note that this address is only valid for iChat. For e-mail, please use the address.

;-) LIL in Haiti.

Haiti 2.0

Well, I'm back! ;-) Man, leaving the 2nd time was harder than the first! The flights went okay and the ride to the apartment too. Arriving in Haiti went alot better this time around. We were three of us that were arriving and we got to wait in the Salon Diplomatique (which was nicely air-conditioned) while someone retrieved our suitcases (which turned out to be a bit of a wait for us since there was a problem unloading the container that holds the luggage from the plane). Anyhow, did I mentioned we were in an air-condition area? That was nice! My buddy Mike was on the same plane! I thought he was only coming back next week, but right on! We managed to stop to do a little grocery on the way, so I'm all set. I'm going up to Mike's place for some BBQ.

A big hello to everyone and especially my little brother Stéphane! Its his birthday today! Bonne fête le p'tit!

;-) LIL in Haiti