Sunday, August 21, 2011

Busy weekend!

Man, we can't wait to get our car! I know its still several weeks away, but still, having our own set of wheels would be nice! It would have come in really handy this weekend, but it turned out good anyway.
Friday, we had a little get together after work and it was okay. But just as we were leaving, one of the guys told us some pretty funny stories about ordering food at restaurants. Man, turns out that ordering a simple meal is like a box of never know what you're gonna get! ;-)

We thought of ordering a cab, but it would be about 2 hours before it got there, so we decided to metro it back home. We made it to our station okay, but we had just missed the shuttle that brings us home from the metro station. Argh... Ah well. We made it home eventually.

Saturday was the orientation session for new families at our daughters' school. Muchos nice school! As the session was done, we grabbed a bite to eat at the school's cafeteria and wouldn't you know, it was the best cafeteria food I ever ate!  We then went to see giant Russian dolls at AFI mall. Muchos nice! Coming back, we missed the shuttle again! Double Argh! But, we weren't alone in our outing and with their help we managed to grab one of the local buses and make it back home.

Today, we went to the Darwin museum. Hmmm... Turns out that chickens are more important to evolution than we thought! There were chickens everywhere! Ah well... And guess what happened once we made our way to our metro station... We missed the shuttle again! Triple Argh!!!! Ah well... all is good as we got ourselves on the same local bus and made our way home again.

And that's it! Doing some relaxing at home before everything starts again tomorrow.

Until then people!

;-) LIL

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