Salut tout le monde!
Yesterday, we went to a restaurant called "Le Quartier Latin" for supper. Man, it was good! I had a "Saté au boeuf avec sauce à l'arachide" for an entrée and a "Steak au poivre vert" for the main dish with a glass of red wine. And yes, Sylvia, they did have sauce! ;-)
It was one of my colleague's birthday and we were 8 of us. I took lots of pictures and I'll see about posting some online this evening.
Today, we are going to Furcy (I think that it is how its spelled). Its a cabin up in the mountains about an hour from here. That will be neat! Mike says the ribs over there are excellent. Me think me will try them out!
Okay, that's it for now. Ciao people!
;-) LIL
Recu un courriel de Picassa ce soir dissent que tu a des photos. Superbe photos de Furcy! Je t'envie de te voir en culottes courte et en tee-shirt. Ici il fait 3C et je t'ecrit assis devant le foyer!! Profite de la chaleur tropical.