Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My contact info

Hey all!

I just wanted to list my contact info while I'm over here.

If you want to send me an e-mail: louisgaulin@gmail.com

If you want to call me using Skype: louisgaulin

Also, you can follow this blog and thus leave non-anonymous comments. All you need is a google/blogger account to do so. I know there are some people that are reading this blog on a regular basis. If you are one of these, go ahead and sign up for a google/blogger account. It will make my ego feel better. ;-) Okay, I have to admit, that was a shameless plug for you to follow this blog if you are not already, but ah well...

AND, last but not least, for you Mac People (yeah, you know who you are), you can always iChat with me at the following address: louisenhaiti@mac.com (I have to admit, the address is inspired by one of my friend's blog: lucinhaiti.blogspot.com). Note that this address is only valid for iChat. For e-mail, please use the louisgaulin@gmail.com address.

;-) LIL in Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA j'aime ton adress de iChat. je vais essayer en fin de semaine de te contacter via....
