Wednesday, August 11, 2010


How's that for the title of this post? It was either "Bullet-proof" or "Ear infection". I definitely think that Bullet-proof is more catchy, so decided to go with that instead! ;-)

I woke up this morning with an ear infection. I was suspecting it was such yesterday, but I was hoping it would just pass. Not so. Soooo, went to see the nurse at the embassy this morning and she confirmed my suspicions. Bummer! She was able to book me an appointment with a doctor at 14h00 today. Not bad! The only concern was that the clinic is located downtown. In order to get there, we had to ride in the bullet-proof vehicle. The doors are really heavy! Takes more muscle power to open and close them. We also had a body guard. Neat-O! The ride was okay and before you knew it, I was at the clinic. The body guard escorted me inside and kept watch outside the door. The doctor was seeing a patient when I got there, but as soon as she was done, she started calling out another patient's name, then she saw me and she took me right away. I felt bad for the people that were waiting. "Hmmmm", she observed, "Vous avez bien une bonne Otite.". Is there such a thing as a good ear infection? What would be a bad ear infection? One has to wonder. Or maybe, better not. Ah well. My exam was soon done and I was 2000 Gourdes lighter (equivalent to 50$). The bodyguard and I headed back to the vehicle and soon we were in front of a pharmacy. Hmmmm, this was new...not like any pharmacy I ever saw. Ah well. I left the pharmacy with my meds and again, I was lighter but by "only" 40$ this time.

The driver brought us back to the embassy where I was able to take my first dose right away. One of my colleague asked: "Did you check the expiry date?" Oh crap, I hadn't! But, turns out they were okay. Will remember that for next time, cuz I'm sure something like this will happen again. When I opened the packet, I saw a note that indicated that the medication should never be stored in a temperature above 25 degrees Celsius. Hmmmm... Call me a liar, but I'm pretty sure there are good chances that the package was stored at higher temperatures than indicated. Sigh...

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly (I had returned at 15h05) and then, I was back at my apartment.

Tonight, we have the pot-luck in Luc's apartment. This time around, I'm bringing a platter of cheese! I picked up 5 different kind of cheeses yesterday and will got and prepare them now.


;-) LIL

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