Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Salut tout le monde!

You know, I have not written about the ride itself to and from work everyday, so I'll write something about it now. I used to complain about the road condition back home, especially during spring, when it is the multiplication of the potholes, but I'll be more tolerant now. I promise!

The roads (when there are roads) are in such bad condition, it is not even laughable. I get a little bit of sea-sickness everyday from rocking back and forth in the car! I kid you not! On our trek from the appartment to the embassy, one part of the road is just gone! I tried taking a short film with the camera, but it bounces so much that it is hopeless to try to capture it on video. Also, the pedestrians are allot more bold here than back in Canada! I can't believe there are not deadly accidents everyday! Pedestrians basically throw themselves in front of moving vehicles and get away with their lives! If somebody would try that maneuver back home, he/she would be a pancake on the pavement in no time!

Hey, if you are reading this, post a comment. I'm curious to see who's out there. ;-) Seriously, I find this day hard! Ah well, its almost over and tomorrow they'll be a brand new day to set things right. ;-) (How's that for being optimistic).

Tonight, we had another BBQ at Mike's and tomorrow night, we are having a potluck dinner in the penthouse! ;-) Okay, its called a penthouse by name, but its just a two bedroom appartment instead of a one bedroom. Anyways, since I don't cook, my contribution will be booze. I'll bring over some beers and a couple of bottles of wine.

The internet connection is so sporadic! Aaarrrgghhhh!!! Okay, that't it for tonight. (What I've been doing most nights is writing this in notepad and then pasting it online when the connection is back).

While I'm in Haiti, you can always write to my work e-mail or drop me a line at louisgaulin@gmail.com.


;-) LIL


  1. Merci Lous de nous tenir à jour dans ton blogue. C'est vraiment l'fun de te lire.

  2. Salut Gilles! Merci pour la note. Bonne journée! Dit un gros bonjour à Shelina et les enfants.

    ;-) LIL
