Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hellboy II

You know, that movie is much better when you have some alcohol in you! ;-) All kidding aside, just finished watching Hellboy II over at Luc's apartment. Man, I can't believe that I'm going home in a couple of days. I mean that in a good way, of course. ;-) I can't wait to be back with my girls, at home. As I was saying earlier, I'll still miss the guys here, but man, o, man, will it be good to be back home!

I'm running low on moula, so its perfecto that I'm heading home. If it wouldn't have been for my "bullet-proof" event (yeah, you know what I mean, I still think that "bullet-proof" is a better tittle), I'd be laughing. Now, being 90$ short, I have to make sure I have enough to last me throughout my stay. Tomorrow is the pot-luck, and I want to be able to contribute in a significant way. Ah well... ;-)

Still, as much as this has been a life experience, I cannot wait to be back home. I can't wait to have a glass of rhum with the family (by this, I mean my wife, my brothers (if my little brother is still in town, I hope I don't miss him before he goes back up north), brother-in-law, and cousins-in-law...yeah, you know who you are) and tell tall tales of my friends over there/here (depending on how you look at it).

For you who keep track, I hadn't posted anything yesterday cuz I was a little bit bummed. Haiti has its good and bad days (or, I should say, I have my good days and bad days in Haiti). I just can't wait to be home.

Hey, I just learned earlier that my little brother and his kids will be in Ottawa/Gatineau this evening! I hope I get to see them before they leave! Stéphane, Kari-Anne, Justin, a big hello to you all from Haiti!

Anyways, me got to go to bed. Love you guys and talk to you all soon!


;-) LIL

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I just realized that the post above repeats the word home alot. Ah well...subliminal anyone?

    ;-) LIL
